Animal Farm Crossword

  1. 3. Dig up for reburial or for medical investigation
  2. 5. Easily managed
  3. 6. Sediment that has settled at the bottom of a liquid
  4. 8. Guilt as a confederate in a crime or offense
  5. 10. Surrender under agreed conditions
  6. 12. Having sections or patches colored differently and brightly
  7. 15. Having a secret or hidden meaning
  8. 16. Large deep serving dish with a cover
  9. 17. Get by special effort
  10. 18. Drink large quantities of
  11. 20. The process or period of gathering in crops.
  1. 1. A fixed amount of a commodity officially allowed to each person
  2. 2. A medical dressing spread on a cloth and applied to the skin
  3. 3. A legally binding command or decision
  4. 4. Avoid one's assigned duties
  5. 7. Too old to be useful
  6. 9. Deserving or bringing disgrace or shame
  7. 11. The scum formed by oxidation at the surface of molten metals
  8. 13. Uncontrollably noisy
  9. 14. A message whose ingenuity has the power to evoke laughter
  10. 19. A saying that is widely accepted on its own merits