Animal Farm Crossword Puzzle

  1. 5. Major / Lenin/Karl Marx. An old boar whose speech about the evils perpetrated by humans gets the animals to rebel. His philosophy concerning the tyranny of Man is named Animalism. He teaches the animals the song "Beasts of England ''. Dies before revolution___
  2. 6. / loyal hard-working horse___
  3. 9. / talks about sugar candy mountain___
  4. 13. / Russian Media/propaganda. A big mouth pig who becomes Napoleon's mouthpiece. Throughout the novel, he displays his ability to manipulate the animals' thoughts through the use of hollow, yet convincing rhetoric. Represents the propaganda department that worked to support Stalin's image; the members of the department would use lies to convince the people to follow Stalin___
  5. 14. against Jones / Russian Revolution 1917 Leader's own army would not fight "Bloodless revolution" Gave up the throne Bolshevik took over Red____
  6. 17. / Czar Nicholas II. The irresponsible owner of the farm lets animals starve and beats them with a whip. Sometimes shows random kindness___
  7. 18. Windmill / the Industrial Revolution
  8. 20. / a stout mare and friend of Boxer___
  9. 21. / vivacious pig leader who is run off the farm by Napoleon___
  10. 24. Farm / Russia and the Soviet Union under communist party rule___
  11. 26. / a fat porker who's Napoleons Mouth Piece___
  12. 27. / Blown up by the other farmers ___
  13. 28. / a donkey who's friends with Boxer and thinks that life will continue to go badly___
  14. 30. Name of Animal Farm / Stalin changed the name of the army from the workers and Peasants Red Army to the Soviet Army___
  15. 32. of the Timber / Russia offered the US raw materials to trade for weapons 1939 Stalin Hitler treaty Russia and Germany would never engage in battle or war Switched allies from US to Germany___
  16. 33. / Walking on two legs by the end__
  17. 34. / a pig who writes poems about Napoleon___
  18. 36. / Trotsky. Boar becomes one of the rebellion's most valuable leaders. After drawing complicated plans for the construction of a windmill, he is chased off of the farm forever by Napoleon's dogs and used as a scapegoat for the animals' troubles___
  19. 39. Attack on Animal Farm / 1939-1941
  1. 1. / Stalin. Boar leads the rebellion against Farmer Jones. After the rebellion's success, he systematically begins to control all aspects of the farm until he is an undisputed tyrant.
  2. 2. / the white goat who learns how to read___
  3. 3. / Jones cart horse who loves ribbons___
  4. 4. Whymper / an agent who sees an opportunity to make money by helping Napoleon___
  5. 6. / working class; a dedicated but dimwitted horse who aids in the building of the windmill but is sold to a boiler after collapsing from exhaustion____
  6. 7. / a dog whose pups were taken and trained by Napoleon___
  7. 8. / another dog whose pups were taken by Napoleon___
  8. 9. Pilkington / the owner of Foxwood Farm___
  9. 10. / Number of commandments ___
  10. 11. / a third dog whose pups were taken by Napoleon___
  11. 12. 1941 Hitler invaded Russia 20 million Russians are killed battle of Stalingrad 1.5 million were killed Russia won only because they were able to hold of Germany longer 10 and 11____
  12. 15. / Fierce-looking Berkshire boar who becomes the tyrannical leader of animal farm____
  13. 16. song Beasts of England / Internationale to Hymn of the Soviet Union Changed the song___
  14. 17. / the petit bourgeoisie that fled from Russia a few years after the Russian Revolution___
  15. 19. Jones / Czar's wife, Alexandra___
  16. 22. Major's Speech / Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin loved by many Inventors of Communism ____
  17. 23. and Destruction of the Windmill / Trotsky was known for his plans and visions of the future 5 years plan developed by Trotsky and later adopted by Stalin Power, Capital goods and Agricultural economic development for Russia's future not successful 13, 5 year plans Stalin is a frightening individual____
  18. 25. Federick / owner of Pinchfield farm___
  19. 29. Jones / An alcoholic who treated his animals poorly___
  20. 30. of Traitors / Moscow Show Trials (Great Purge) 1936-1939 Stalin executed anyone that he saw as a political challenger___
  21. 31. Major / The prize white boar who dies in the beginning___
  22. 35. of Cowshed / Russian Civil War Trotsky reorganized the army Very Strategic 450,000 people lost from both sides Economy was devastated_____
  23. 37. / Russian Orthodox Church religion. Stalin used religious principles to influence people to work and to avoid revolt____
  24. 38. Rebellion / Peasants Rebellion 1927-1930 Stalin wanted to take away all individual farms in Russia and merge them (collectivism) This would increase food supply because people were starving Some of the peasants rebelled by burning their crops and killing their livestock 26 million cattle and 15 million horses were slaughtered Stalin seized all the grain that was left 5 million people starved to death All the farms went collective 6 / 11 ___