Animal Farm Joeli Hamilton

  1. 2. The cat often _____ when it was time to work.
  2. 7. The animals singing "Beasts of England" before any meeting is ____.
  3. 11. The rumors spread about Animal Farm are ____ to the truth.
  4. 12. The animals usually gather in a/an ____.
  5. 13. _____ meetings between the animals were often held.
  6. 15. The pigs walked in a _____ fashion.
  7. 17. The animals were ______ when Boxer injured himself.
  8. 19. Mollie's tail is often decorated with ______ detail.
  9. 20. The opinion that nobody wanted Mr. Jones to return was _____.
  10. 24. Snowball was _____ from the farm.
  1. 1. Napoleon is quite ____.
  2. 3. Napoleon cares deeply about his _____.
  3. 4. The animals sang "Beasts of England" in _____.
  4. 5. Building the windmill was very _____.
  5. 6. Boxer is ____ when asked to work on the farm.
  6. 7. The animals somewhat lacked ______.
  7. 8. Napoleon's reign was incapable of being _____.
  8. 9. Boxer was ____ because he believed Napoleon was always right.
  9. 10. Napoleon held _____ after banishing Snowball.
  10. 14. The hens ______ reproached Napoleon after he demanded too many eggs.
  11. 16. Napoleon made a ______ to rebuild the windmill.
  12. 18. The animals' rations were always ____.
  13. 21. Napoleon had no ____ for Snowball.
  14. 22. Benjamin is often in ______.
  15. 23. The incidents happening while everyone was asleep were very ____.