Animal Farm puzzle TM

  1. 3. Owner of Foxwood Farm
  2. 4. Leader of the Soviet Union from 1922-1952
  3. 5. Staged a rebellion against the egg trade
  4. 10. Strongest Animal on the farm
  5. 13. The oldest animal on the farm
  6. 15. The idea that all animals are equal and humans are the enemy.
  7. 19. Represents Leon Trotsky in Animal Farm
  8. 20. Based on the commandment the animals arent allowed to live here
  9. 21. Stalins Rival
  10. 24. Animals refer to each other this way
  11. 25. A white horse who runs from Animal Farm
  12. 27. Used the Phrase "Four legs good, two legs bad"
  13. 28. Represents Czar Nicholas II
  14. 29. Stalins Secret police represented by the 9 dogs
  1. 1. smartest animals on the farm
  2. 2. The Village where animal farm takes place
  3. 6. Where the seven commandments were painted
  4. 7. Acts as an intermediary between Animal farm and the outside world
  5. 8. Used to keep the animals in check
  6. 9. Blown up in the battle of Cowshed
  7. 11. represent the misfits and beggars
  8. 12. Came up with Animalism
  9. 14. represents working-class women
  10. 16. Told stories of Sugarcandy Mountain
  11. 17. Represents the Russian upper class
  12. 18. Took leadership of Animal Farm
  13. 22. Boxer is sent here by the pigs
  14. 23. Owner of Pinchfield Farm
  15. 26. Have their milk stolen by the pigs
  16. 27. Controls the animals with his words