Animal Farm/ Russian Revolution

  1. 3. What did the other farmers blow up?
  2. 6. What animal is realistic and smart?
  3. 10. What animal represents the military in Animal Farm?
  4. 12. What is Animal Farm to the Russian Revolution?
  5. 13. Represents Leon Trotsky.
  6. 16. Represents the working class in Animal Farm.
  7. 19. What did they name Old Major's teachings?
  8. 20. What animal disappeared during work time?
  9. 22. "All animals are? but some are more?
  10. 23. Who talks about Sugarcandy Mountain?
  11. 26. What did Animal Farm do with neighboring farm?
  12. 27. Dictator in Animal Farm.
  13. 29. Tune sung by the animals once they rebelled.
  1. 1. What word did Napoleon outlaw?
  2. 2. Who tells the animals to rebel?
  3. 4. Leaders of the farm.
  4. 5. Battle name against Mr. Jones?
  5. 7. Reason for building the windmill?
  6. 8. Author of the Animal Farm?
  7. 9. Who abandoned the Animal Farm for a new owner?
  8. 11. Who represents Tsar Nicholas i?
  9. 14. No farm animal shall drink alcohol(two words).
  10. 15. The upper class in Russia.
  11. 17. Farm What does Napoleon change the farm name to?
  12. 18. Companion of Boxer?
  13. 21. Where was Boxer taken?
  14. 24. Who represented propaganda in Animal Farm?
  15. 25. Who was said to have been working with Mr. Jones?
  16. 28. Number of commandments in Animal Farm?