Animal farm

  1. 3. Farm, the hole story takes place on a farm, in which animals rule.
  2. 4. Pigs, the pigs are the most important animals on the farm, they are the 'brain'.
  3. 8. Revelution, this is a story based on the Russian Revolution, therefore several of the animal characters are based on either real participants in the Russian Revolution.
  4. 9. Songs, there are a few songs in the book, the most important song is 'The Beasts of England'.
  5. 10. Snowball, snowball is a great leader with a great tactical view, he is like Trotsky.
  6. 11. Major, The Old Major is the oldest and wisest animal on the farm. He takes the role of Marx or Lenin.
  7. 13. Blind, the animals trust blind on there leader.
  1. 1. Napoleon, he becomes the leader of the farm, when he wants something he will get it done, he stands voor Stalin.
  2. 2. Dictator, Napoleon became a real dictator, he used the animals to do a lot of dirty work.
  3. 5. Windmill, building a windmill was the idea of Snowball but Napoleon chased him of the farm and stole his idea.
  4. 6. Society, the whole farm is like a country where every animal has its own position in the society.
  5. 7. Communism, much of what happens in the book symbolically parallels specific developments in the history of Russian communism.
  6. 9. Squealer, squealer is a brilliant talker, he convinces every animal every time even when it is not true. He stand for the propoganda
  7. 12. Jones, Mr. Jones is the farmer who does no good. He represents Tsar Nicholas III.