Animal Fun Facts

  1. 1. it is impossible to sneeze with your eyes _____
  2. 3. ______ lay the biggest eggs in the world
  3. 7. _____ can be more dangerous than lions
  4. 9. an eastern spotted skunk does a _______ before it sprays
  5. 11. a snail would take 220 hours to crawl one _____ nonstop
  6. 12. you use 72 muscles every time you _____
  7. 14. _____is part cow part bison
  8. 18. ______can whistle
  9. 21. a ____ can hear a mouse moving from under a foot of snow
  10. 23. are the only mammal that can fly
  11. 24. a grizzly bear can run as fast as a horse
  12. 26. ______ can eat more than 3,000 insect a day
  1. 2. _________can float
  2. 4. your eyes move around 80 times a ______
  3. 5. kangaroos don't hop ________
  4. 6. a house fly lives for around _____ to 3 weeks
  5. 8. even when its eyelids are closed it can see
  6. 10. _______ can live to be 80 years old
  7. 13. Horses and ______ sleep while standing up
  8. 15. this crossword is ________
  9. 16. you are almost ____ inch taller in the morning than in the evening
  10. 17. some _____ can walk on land
  11. 19. the smallest monkey is around the size of a ______
  12. 20. human thigh bones are stronger than_____
  13. 22. it is impossible to get _______ on your face
  14. 25. your hair grows fast in the ______ weather