animal list

  1. 1. the tallest living quadruped animal
  2. 4. woolly-haired South America ruminant
  3. 7. the science that deals with animals
  4. 10. terrestial turtle
  5. 11. arboreal rodent
  6. 12. cold blooded vertebrate that breathes with lungs and through the skin
  7. 13. flightless aquatic bird with webbed feet and flippers
  8. 14. sucking blood insect
  9. 18. animal with a big horn
  10. 19. animals which females produce milk, have live birth babies, and hair
  11. 20. animal with backbone
  12. 22. Asian or African carnivorous from the cat family
  13. 23. any of several rodents covered with stiff, sharp, erectile quills
  14. 24. from the family of dolphins
  15. 26. book of the Bible written by Jeremiah
  16. 27. capacity of learning
  17. 29. largest of living birds
  18. 31. convert food into curd
  19. 32. arboreal lyzard
  1. 2. natural or innate behavior
  2. 3. pertaining to dogs
  3. 5. herbivorous marsupial
  4. 6. animals of a given region
  5. 8. a prehensile tailed marsupial
  6. 9. mammal with strong claws and a protective armor
  7. 15. old world lyzard with the ability to change colors
  8. 16. animals doctor
  9. 17. feline of tropical america with a black rosette
  10. 21. prophet of the Bible
  11. 25. egg laying monotreme with sensitive bill and poisonous gland in the feet
  12. 28. prairie wolf
  13. 30. also called mountain lion, puma, panther