  1. 5. Also known as windpipe.
  2. 6. This system moves gases to and from the circulatory system.
  3. 7. This is the exchange of gases between the cells and the blood within the body.
  4. 9. This is where the lungs and the blood exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide during the process of breathing in and breathing out.
  5. 10. Its main function is the process of gas exchange called respiration (or breathing).
  1. 1. In insects like cockroaches, grasshopper, transportation of gas or gaseous exchange take place by a special type of fine tubes is called __________.
  2. 2. In unicellular animals, such as amoeba, exchange of gases takes place through cell surface. They absorb oxygen from the surrounding air or water and give out carbon dioxide through plasma membrane by _____.
  3. 3. This is the exchange of gases in the lungs between the blood and the atmosphere.
  4. 4. Its is one of the two holes in the nose through which animals breathe and smell.
  5. 8. A majority of aquatic animals like fish and prawns breathe through these special organs