Animal Respiratory System Vocab

  1. 2. rate the amount of energy that is used while an animal is at rest
  2. 5. rapid breathing
  3. 6. large specialized cells of the immune system that recognize, surround and destroy invading cells or organisms; large phagocytic cells found in stationary form in the tissues or as mobile white blood cells, especially at sites of infection
  4. 8. the windpipe, made of cartilaginous rings to keep it open at all times
  5. 11. inflammation of the tissue of the sinuses
  6. 14. bony or cartilaginous curved structure, which holds gill filaments used in respiration in fish; any of a series of bony or cartilaginous curved bars along the pharynx, supporting the gills of fish and amphibians
  7. 15. inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes
  8. 20. small branching blood vessels that connect back to larger arteries and veins; any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network between the arterioles and venules
  9. 22. inflammation of the lungs
  10. 25. smallest branches of the bronchial tree
  11. 29. the cessation of breathing during sleep; when an animal stops breathing
  12. 31. inflammation of the voice box or larynx
  13. 32. the use of a stethoscope to listen to internal structures of an animal(e.g., lungs, heart and gastrointestinal tract)
  14. 34. a substance that kills microbes or prevents their growth
  15. 36. voice box; contains the vocal chords, allowing animals to make sounds
  16. 37. a colorless, odorless gas that is taken into an animal’s body to be utilized during the process of cellular respiration
  17. 39. a colorless, odorless gas that is released from the animal body as a by-product of cellular respiration
  18. 40. branches at the bottom of the trachea that extend to each lung; either of the two main branches of the trachea that lead to the lungs, where they divide into smaller branches
  1. 1. fluid buildup in the lungs
  2. 3. a procedure used to examine the upper respiratory tract for any obstructions
  3. 4. an image produced by an x-ray used in medical diagnosis
  4. 7. a lack of oxygen
  5. 9. the process of taking in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide from an animal’s body
  6. 10. respiratory tissue in fish with a large surface area attached to the gill arches. This tissue in fish has capillaries running through it to allow for diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide to take place.
  7. 12. a large, smooth muscle found in mammals that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity and controls breathing
  8. 13. difficulty breathing
  9. 16. the breakdown of nutrients in the cells of living organisms to create ATP or energy that an animal can use; chemical process that generates most of the energy in the cell
  10. 17. the structure of the bronchi in the lungs that continually gets smaller and branches off; the branching system of bronchi and bronchioles conducting air from the windpipe into the lungs
  11. 18. the process in which a cell engulfs a foreign particle to destroy it
  12. 19. membranes membranes that line the respiratory tract and secrete mucus to warm, moisten and filter the air
  13. 21. the ability of an organism to cause disease
  14. 23. small flap that covers the larynx during swallowing; a flap of cartilage at the root of the tongue, which is depressed during swallowing to cover the opening of the windpipe
  15. 24. inflammation of the mucus membranes
  16. 26. passageway at the back of the throat that is shared by the digestive and respiratory tracts
  17. 27. a substance that kills bacteria or prevents their growth
  18. 28. long term or recurring; persisting for a long time or constantly recurring
  19. 30. the main body cavity found in animals that is lined by tissue and filled with organs, such as digestive, cardiovascular and respiratory organs; cavity located between the intestinal canal and the body wall
  20. 32. small grape-like clusters at the end of the bronchioles within the lungs; the site of gas exchange in mammalian lungs
  21. 33. air-filled cavities connected to the nasal passages that provide mucus and humidity to the air that animals breathe
  22. 35. inflammation of the trachea
  23. 38. tiny hair-like projections that are found on the surfaces of certain cells and are used for locomotion, to move fluids or sweep away particles; tiny wavelike hairs that line the nasal cavities and filter air of dirt and particulate matter