Animal Science iCEV: Injection Techniques

  1. 2. device which pushes the vaccination or medication through the needle and into the animal
  2. 4. contain whole viruses; can multiply but can not produce a disease
  3. 6. causes infertility or abortions
  4. 10. cage-like device which squeezes cattle to restrict movement
  5. 12. treats and provides mild prevention for illnesses
  6. 14. tube where vaccination or medication is held in the syringe before administration
  7. 16. given into muscle tissues
  8. 17. given into a vein
  9. 20. created using new combinations of DNA
  10. 21. amount of and frequency a vaccination or medication is given
  11. 22. preventative to infectious diseases Immunizations process of becoming immune against an infectious disease
  12. 23. located in the jugular groove between the trachea and neck muscles
  1. 1. causes inflamed breathing passages
  2. 3. sharp, hollow piece of metal which pierces the skin for injection administration
  3. 5. can be transferred from animals to humans
  4. 7. given under the skin, but above the muscle
  5. 8. restricting animal movement with an individual’s body
  6. 9. stimulates the response of the immune system for disease resistance
  7. 11. contains bacteria which have been inactivated by heat or chemicals
  8. 13. primary immune defense
  9. 15. amount of time it takes a vaccination or medication to leave an animal’s system
  10. 18. foreign substances which stimulate the production of antibodies
  11. 19. forces liquids into tissues
  12. 24. diameter of the needle