Animal Terminology

  1. 2. baby chick
  2. 4. newborn sheep
  3. 8. Fish giving birth
  4. 10. baby pig
  5. 12. young female pig
  6. 16. young fish
  7. 17. Castrated cow
  8. 19. Mature female Cattle
  9. 21. young male cow
  10. 22. The gestation of a cow
  1. 1. Male mature duck
  2. 2. term for cow giving birth
  3. 3. Male chicken
  4. 5. Young female chicken
  5. 6. new born cow
  6. 7. Baby goat
  7. 9. Castrated horse
  8. 11. Gestation of a horse
  9. 13. young male horse
  10. 14. young female cow
  11. 15. Mature male goose
  12. 16. baby fish
  13. 18. Mature male cow
  14. 20. term for a horse giving birth