animal vocab

  1. 2. / Act of parturition in horses
  2. 4. / uncastrated male chicken
  3. 5. / Young sheep
  4. 10. / Act of parturition in chicken
  5. 11. / Castrated male chicken
  6. 13. / baby chicken
  7. 15. / Act of parturition in swine
  8. 16. / Young swine
  9. 21. / Nueter or spay
  10. 25. / Castrated Male swine
  11. 26. / Female less than two
  12. 28. / Act of parturition in sheep
  13. 30. / castrated male goat
  14. 33. / female chicken
  15. 34. / Uncastrated Male swine
  1. 1. / young horse
  2. 3. / Female swine that has no litter
  3. 4. / Uncastrated male sheep
  4. 6. / uncastrated male goat
  5. 7. / Female goat
  6. 8. / Castratred male horse
  7. 9. / laying eggs
  8. 12. / Giving birth
  9. 14. / Parturition in goat
  10. 17. / Uncastrated male horses
  11. 18. / Cow parturition
  12. 19. / Female Beef With no Calf
  13. 20. / Female Beef Has a calf
  14. 22. / Male Beef
  15. 23. / Young Beef
  16. 24. / young chicken at market weight
  17. 27. / Castrated Male Beef
  18. 29. / female horse over two years
  19. 31. / Female Sheep
  20. 32. / Female that has had a litter