
  1. 3. Nocturnal bird. Who?
  2. 7. Bird with a pouch.
  3. 8. I like bananas, climb on trees. I have a tail.
  4. 10. Swamp, TEETH!
  5. 13. Animal with the many names. Mountain lion, puma, cougar.
  6. 14. Mikey, Jerry Perez. Whole on the baseboard.
  7. 15. Big stripped cat. It can be orange or white.
  8. 16. Silver back, I pound my chest to communicate.
  9. 17. Big cat with the mane.
  10. 18. I make silk.
  11. 20. I have two humps on my back.
  1. 1. "The ____ and the hound". I can be red, silver or white.
  2. 2. Two horns on my face.
  3. 4. BIG mouth.
  4. 5. Largest animal on earth. I have a trunk.
  5. 6. City bird.
  6. 9. Eucalyptus is my favorite food!
  7. 11. Australian mammal with pouch.
  8. 12. I Slither. Boa, Python...
  9. 19. Brown furry mammal that hibernates.