
  1. 2. orange and black stripes, big cat
  2. 6. races, long mane, "neigh"
  3. 7. likes honey, hibernates
  4. 8. not a mouse, but a ___?, NYC
  5. 10. has a trunk, grey, big
  6. 12. stores nuts in winter, long tail
  7. 13. likes cold weather, cant fly, artic
  8. 15. gets eaten by frogs, fast, annoying
  9. 16. jumps, green, eats fly
  10. 21. "moo", eats grass, black and white
  11. 22. swims around in a bowl
  12. 23. hides in a shell, green, slow
  13. 24. says "who", always awake at night
  14. 25. likes bananas, swings on vines
  1. 1. slithers away, has scales
  2. 3. flys, eats worms, fluffy wings
  3. 4. great white _____?, lives in the ocean, scary
  4. 5. big monkey, silverback ____"
  5. 6. fluffy, cute, jump
  6. 9. King of the jungle
  7. 11. long neck, purple tounge
  8. 14. makes webs
  9. 17. makes honey
  10. 18. pink, fat, and likes mud
  11. 19. makes squeaking noises
  12. 20. says "Quack", likes ponds