
  1. 2. It provides milk
  2. 6. Bites and is big
  3. 9. Jump very high
  4. 10. It is small and eats squirrels
  5. 13. Have a black and white stripes
  6. 14. It can fly
  7. 15. If it itches you it hurts alot
  8. 18. It eat bambu
  9. 19. He lives in te sea
  10. 20. Doesn't exist
  1. 1. It's mammale
  2. 3. It has a break and different breeds
  3. 4. Has a very long neck
  4. 5. Has many teeth
  5. 7. Jump far away
  6. 8. Very loud roars
  7. 11. Its ink loose
  8. 12. You can go on top of him
  9. 16. Has a trump
  10. 17. Provides meat