
  1. 1. an animal friend of man
  2. 3. a large, furry animal found in North America
  3. 5. an amphibian that hops
  4. 6. an animal that gives birth to live young
  5. 9. an animal that is commonly a pet
  6. 10. an Australian animal that hops and carries its young in a pouch
  7. 13. an animal with light and colorful wings
  8. 15. a brown mammal found in the forest that has antlers
  9. 16. a larger animal in the world
  10. 18. a black and white striped animal
  11. 19. a small reptile
  1. 2. a large primate
  2. 4. a reptile with sharp teeth
  3. 7. a mammal that is a primate
  4. 8. a North American animal with very large antlers
  5. 11. a bird that quacks
  6. 12. an animal that people can ride on
  7. 14. a class of animals that includes frogs and toads
  8. 15. a mammal that lives in the ocean
  9. 17. a spotted animal that is from the cat family