
  1. 3. stings a lot
  2. 5. peligro del mar
  3. 6. bambi?
  4. 7. early transportation
  5. 8. lives in the trees?
  6. 9. male chicken
  7. 10. Billy _______
  8. 14. chases ratones
  9. 15. duck
  10. 16. man's best friend
  11. 17. really fast sea mammal
  12. 21. eats flies
  13. 22. wolf
  14. 23. makes webs
  15. 24. gives us wool
  16. 26. curious george?
  17. 27. gives us leche?
  18. 28. good swimmer
  19. 29. flightless bird
  20. 30. turtle
  21. 32. largest sea mammal
  1. 1. likes queso?
  2. 2. I'm gonna eat like one on Thanksgiving?
  3. 4. national symbol
  4. 5. male vaca
  5. 7. lives in a swamp
  6. 11. desert transportation?
  7. 12. lady pollo
  8. 13. huge animal from africa
  9. 18. really long neck
  10. 19. fast but lost the race?
  11. 20. big raton?
  12. 24. Smokey
  13. 25. slithers
  14. 26. I float like a___ and sting like a bee.
  15. 31. got stripes?
  16. 33. lion