
  1. 4. something that's bald and flies in the sky
  2. 6. California state fish
  3. 7. largest mammal on the planet
  4. 11. fastest air animal
  5. 12. looks like a guitar underwater
  6. 14. bacon and sausage
  7. 15. looks like a unicorn in shape of a fish
  8. 16. love riding in front of a bow of a boat
  1. 1. a sea creature that's reminiscent of an African game animal
  2. 2. a sly creature native to the channel islands
  3. 3. gives us good milk
  4. 5. crawls on it's belly
  5. 8. pops up at the park during church
  6. 9. fastest land animal
  7. 10. blood-sucking parasite
  8. 13. fictional horse