
  1. 1. some birds use their wings to _______
  2. 4. animal who usually lays leathery eggs
  3. 9. transformation in two or more distinct stages
  4. 10. an animal who does not have a spine
  5. 12. animal who uses gills to breathe under water
  6. 13. the stage of a frog after the egg stage
  7. 15. birds have a hard, pointy _______ to eat food
  8. 16. a large furry arachnid that sheds exoskeleton
  9. 19. name of small fish before they become adults
  10. 20. reptiles are _________ blooded
  11. 21. name for a developing bird inside the egg
  12. 22. body part used for breathing on land
  13. 23. body part used for breathing under water
  14. 24. animal who lays hard shell, brittle eggs
  15. 25. the sense that an animal is born with to survive
  16. 27. covering of a bird
  17. 28. amphibians have this type of skin
  1. 2. the stage after the egg stage for a ladybug
  2. 3. an amimal who has an internal spine
  3. 5. creature with a hard shell (no spine)
  4. 6. animal who lays jelly-covered eggs under water
  5. 7. the area an animal needs to live
  6. 8. a name for the jelly eggs of a frog
  7. 10. creature with a 6 legs and exoskeleton
  8. 11. animal who feeds their young milk
  9. 14. name of newborn snakes
  10. 17. reptiles usually lay their eggs in the ___________
  11. 18. covering of most mammals
  12. 19. name of a young, developing frog
  13. 26. birds are ________ blooded