
  1. 3. lives in the zoo
  2. 5. lives in the cold
  3. 9. runs fast
  4. 14. lives on sand (sometimes)
  5. 15. lives in the desert
  6. 19. lives in the ocean
  7. 20. hops
  8. 21. can fly
  9. 22. fluffy
  10. 23. Likes to chase mice
  11. 24. lives in ponds
  1. 1. lives on a farm
  2. 2. lives in the forest
  3. 4. moves slow
  4. 6. Has a trunk
  5. 7. lives in the dirt
  6. 8. almost everywhere
  7. 10. Large marsupial
  8. 11. flying mammal
  9. 12. lives in east and southern Africa
  10. 13. Man's best friend
  11. 16. pointy
  12. 17. lives in trees
  13. 18. lives in exhibits
  14. 22. slithers