
  1. 1. Fish move with its…..
  2. 2. ….is a strong animals. It can carry heavy things
  3. 3. animal is kept at home
  4. 5. tiger is a…….animal
  5. 6. It is the biggest land animal
  6. 7. cheetah a…. it eats meal
  7. 11. The king of jungle
  8. 13. animal lives on desert
  9. 14. snake is…’s dangerous
  10. 16. hair of mammals
  11. 17. cat is a …..animal
  12. 18. wild sea animal
  1. 1. the bird has colorful…….
  2. 3. synonym of dovebark dog usually ……to a stranger
  3. 4. It eats bamboo
  4. 5. A moveable organ for flying ( one of a pair)
  5. 8. Lizard is a…it crawls
  6. 9. zebra lives in the……
  7. 10. ….has a long neck
  8. 12. The hen cannot ……high
  9. 15. dolpins live in the…….
  10. 17. elephant has long………..