- 3. Largest Mammal on land
- 6. Flying animal known for singing
- 9. bear, largest species of bear
- 11. Reptile that looks like a Crocodile
- 13. Small animal that eats acorns
- 16. Quiet predator in the night
- 18. largest animal on earth
- 20. Venomous animal that rattles to warn predator
- 23. Izzy's _________ World
- 1. Eight legged bug that spins webs
- 2. one of the most common house pets
- 4. Swift red animal
- 5. bug, Red and Black bug known to give good luck
- 7. Mammal that lives under the sea
- 8. Outdoor pet
- 10. Big cat with black and orange stripes
- 12. Animal that is very slow
- 14. Large plant-eating mammal with antlers (Only males have them though.)
- 15. Mammal that looks like a wolf
- 17. big dog that is wild and endangered
- 19. Black and white bear that live in China
- 21. Black and white stinky creature
- 22. fast animal that is good to ride