
  1. 2. Lays the biggest eggs in the world
  2. 6. Has four stomachs
  3. 9. First animal domesticated in 10,000 BC
  4. 11. Transparent fur and black skin
  5. 12. Can run faster than a horse
  6. 13. Sleeps standing up
  7. 14. If kept in dark, will turn transparent
  8. 17. Flying mammal
  9. 18. Can see when eye lids are closed
  10. 19. Has stripped skin as well as fur
  11. 20. fastest land animal
  12. 21. Known to have been domesticated about 15000 years ago
  1. 1. Uses whistling and clicking to communicate
  2. 3. Large marsupial
  3. 4. Most do not have teeth and use comb like fiber to filter tiny creatures
  4. 5. Uses whiskers to check if they fit through spaces
  5. 7. Can fly backwards
  6. 8. Has a trunk
  7. 9. Spots on this body act as camouflage for protections against predators
  8. 10. Horn made of compacted hair rather than bone
  9. 15. If you cut its eye, it will grow a new one
  10. 16. Can survive up to six months without food or water