- 2. Lays the biggest eggs in the world
- 6. Has four stomachs
- 9. First animal domesticated in 10,000 BC
- 11. Transparent fur and black skin
- 12. Can run faster than a horse
- 13. Sleeps standing up
- 14. If kept in dark, will turn transparent
- 17. Flying mammal
- 18. Can see when eye lids are closed
- 19. Has stripped skin as well as fur
- 20. fastest land animal
- 21. Known to have been domesticated about 15000 years ago
- 1. Uses whistling and clicking to communicate
- 3. Large marsupial
- 4. Most do not have teeth and use comb like fiber to filter tiny creatures
- 5. Uses whiskers to check if they fit through spaces
- 7. Can fly backwards
- 8. Has a trunk
- 9. Spots on this body act as camouflage for protections against predators
- 10. Horn made of compacted hair rather than bone
- 15. If you cut its eye, it will grow a new one
- 16. Can survive up to six months without food or water