- 2. it has hooves
- 5. it makes honey
- 6. it is a flying animal that lives in caves. It also kinda started COVID.
- 7. it makes dams
- 9. it jumps and has a pocket filled with a ¨Joey¨
- 10. likes cheese
- 12. it has a trunk
- 13. it moos
- 15. it goes ¨oink¨
- 17. it is a horse with a horn
- 18. has a blow hole
- 20. it is the tallest animal in the world
- 1. fastest animal alive
- 3. it is a horse with stripes
- 4. it is mainly known for Thanksgiving
- 5. it likes carrots
- 8. it does tricks in the ocean, and some people ride them sometimes
- 11. it has 8 tentacles
- 13. it is the BYU mascot
- 14. A mans best friend
- 16. gold+fish=
- 19. it is a/the sea serpent