
  1. 2. it has hooves
  2. 5. it makes honey
  3. 6. it is a flying animal that lives in caves. It also kinda started COVID.
  4. 7. it makes dams
  5. 9. it jumps and has a pocket filled with a ¨Joey¨
  6. 10. likes cheese
  7. 12. it has a trunk
  8. 13. it moos
  9. 15. it goes ¨oink¨
  10. 17. it is a horse with a horn
  11. 18. has a blow hole
  12. 20. it is the tallest animal in the world
  1. 1. fastest animal alive
  2. 3. it is a horse with stripes
  3. 4. it is mainly known for Thanksgiving
  4. 5. it likes carrots
  5. 8. it does tricks in the ocean, and some people ride them sometimes
  6. 11. it has 8 tentacles
  7. 13. it is the BYU mascot
  8. 14. A mans best friend
  9. 16. gold+fish=
  10. 19. it is a/the sea serpent