- 4. Has a bushy tail
- 6. The animal that everyone thinks eats dead flesh
- 8. Has a trunk
- 9. Man and any human’s best friend
- 10. Hunts and kills mice
- 11. Animal with spots
- 13. Bites and your skin has a bump
- 15. An animal with only 2 legs(has no arms)
- 18. Animal that lives in a cage/pen and sheds it fur almost daily
- 19. The king of the jungle
- 20. One of the three striped animals in the world
- 1. The singular
- 2. Lizard like reptile
- 3. Uses echolocation
- 5. Lives in Antarctica
- 7. This animal hops on its strong legs
- 12. The tallest(in length) animal in the world
- 14. The every-size aquatic animal
- 16. You will have to bathe in tomato juice if you scare it
- 17. Mean type of pig(that is edible)