
  1. 4. Has a bushy tail
  2. 6. The animal that everyone thinks eats dead flesh
  3. 8. Has a trunk
  4. 9. Man and any human’s best friend
  5. 10. Hunts and kills mice
  6. 11. Animal with spots
  7. 13. Bites and your skin has a bump
  8. 15. An animal with only 2 legs(has no arms)
  9. 18. Animal that lives in a cage/pen and sheds it fur almost daily
  10. 19. The king of the jungle
  11. 20. One of the three striped animals in the world
  1. 1. The singular
  2. 2. Lizard like reptile
  3. 3. Uses echolocation
  4. 5. Lives in Antarctica
  5. 7. This animal hops on its strong legs
  6. 12. The tallest(in length) animal in the world
  7. 14. The every-size aquatic animal
  8. 16. You will have to bathe in tomato juice if you scare it
  9. 17. Mean type of pig(that is edible)