
  1. 3. can jump in the air
  2. 5. can produce milk
  3. 10. have a hard shell
  4. 12. are red and orange and are very cute
  5. 13. washed up on the shore and shaped like a star
  6. 15. weight over more than a ton
  7. 18. have the ability to bite you
  8. 20. have a stripe pattern on there back
  9. 21. climb in the trees
  10. 23. have pouches
  11. 24. really nice to humans communicate using there mouth
  1. 1. always travel in packs
  2. 2. are very slimy
  3. 4. we are them
  4. 6. really like kelp and swim on there backs in the ocean bays
  5. 7. are covered in wool
  6. 8. are mans best friend
  7. 9. are scared of humans
  8. 11. can produce milk and some can have horns and not a cow
  9. 14. are very lazy and hang in the trees
  10. 16. are scared of water
  11. 17. like to roll in the mud and are pink
  12. 19. have hoofs on there feet
  13. 22. only swim in the water at night