
  1. 1. who never sit
  2. 4. Produce milk
  3. 6. can make webs and eat bugs
  4. 7. a young cat
  5. 9. man's best friend
  6. 11. a desert animal with a hump on its back
  7. 13. the king of the forest
  8. 15. a small animal with a long furry tail
  9. 16. have a long neck
  10. 17. a popular animal in Disney
  11. 18. Produce wool
  12. 21. produce honey
  13. 22. a small creature likes eating leaves and can develop into a butterfly or moth
  1. 2. who loves carrots
  2. 3. a black and white bird that can’t fly
  3. 5. a very large animal that lives in the sea
  4. 6. have no legs
  5. 8. Lay eggs
  6. 10. Have a trunk
  7. 11. a large reptile with a long tail, has hard skin
  8. 12. Hops around and eats flies
  9. 14. Male cow
  10. 19. a young dog
  11. 20. have black and white stripes
  12. 22. Chase mice