
  1. 1. dark purple
  2. 5. a firehidrent is bright _
  3. 6. like dirt _
  4. 10. the zebra's stripes are black and _
  5. 11. most popular among us color
  6. 12. furry's are _
  7. 14. money is made out of copper and _
  8. 15. a banana is bright _
  9. 16. the bright _ apple
  10. 17. a peacock,s feathers are _
  11. 18. the gum is _
  12. 19. khakis are _
  13. 21. blue the sky is bright _
  1. 2. the flower _ smells amazing
  2. 3. a pepper is _
  3. 4. a ruby is _ colored
  4. 7. blue dark shade of blue
  5. 8. light purplish red
  6. 9. bright purple _ flowers
  7. 11. flamingos are _ color
  8. 12. silver and _
  9. 13. a leaf is _
  10. 14. _ is meat
  11. 18. fuzzy fruit
  12. 20. a car is _