- 1. Fancy feathers
- 4. Change my shoes
- 7. Bugs are my dinner
- 8. Big herbivores
- 14. Carrots
- 16. I have spots
- 18. I rule the jungle
- 19. Has horns
- 21. My neck is really long
- 23. Large marsupial
- 24. Man's best friend
- 25. I lay eggs
- 2. Has a trunk
- 3. The biggest in the ocean
- 5. Likes to chase mice
- 6. Pink is my color
- 9. Web creators
- 10. Deadly bites
- 11. My eyes are always watching
- 12. Play dead when you see me
- 13. The sweethearts hearts of the sea
- 15. Flying mammal
- 17. No water needed
- 20. I have wings
- 22. I swing from trees