
  1. 2. swims
  2. 3. has 8 legs
  3. 4. likes bamboo
  4. 7. Large marsupial
  5. 11. underwater jelly
  6. 14. frog ripoff
  7. 16. repeats what you say
  8. 17. lives in the artic
  9. 19. animal people ride
  10. 21. has black and white stripes
  11. 22. eagle usa national bird
  12. 23. Flying mammal
  1. 1. ok i pull up
  2. 2. green thing that jumps
  3. 5. Man's best friend
  4. 6. like banana
  5. 8. Has a trunk
  6. 9. likes to roll in mud farm animal
  7. 10. fastest land animal
  8. 12. like cheese
  9. 13. an apex predator of the sea
  10. 15. Likes to chase mice
  11. 18. long neck
  12. 20. beats chest a lot