
  1. 2. cream it’s name starts with “Ice”
  2. 4. it is like pudding
  3. 6. crunchy
  4. 11. looks like guyros
  5. 12. it looks like a cookie but not really
  6. 14. pink and green
  7. 15. it is a sphere on a stick
  8. 17. it’s a popular chocolate
  9. 19. really popular
  1. 1. you eat it on your birthday
  2. 3. circle
  3. 5. you have it with breakfast
  4. 6. it goes with milk in a bowl
  5. 7. patch it’s a really popular sour candy
  6. 8. looks like a frisbee
  7. 9. it’s made from pigs and you have it with breakfast
  8. 10. you get it with nacho cheese
  9. 13. it’s carbonated
  10. 16. you put it on ice cream
  11. 18. red and has seeds all over it