
  1. 2. endangered bear
  2. 3. chucks wood
  3. 5. porpoise
  4. 7. sassy pink butted monkey
  5. 10. king of the jungle
  6. 11. living alarm clock
  7. 13. neigh
  8. 15. pirate's companion
  9. 16. flying mammal
  10. 19. can outlive you
  11. 21. cheese lover
  12. 23. rhymes with debra
  13. 24. lamer version of a reindeer
  14. 26. desert animal who can survive a long time without water
  1. 1. often found scrounging through your trash
  2. 4. joe mama
  3. 6. non-flying bird
  4. 8. long neck
  5. 9. world's largest land animal
  6. 12. a head attached to a tail with no body
  7. 14. will eat your clothes
  8. 17. nuttiest animal
  9. 18. man's best friend
  10. 20. farts in your face when threatened
  11. 22. potato with legs
  12. 25. nocturnal bird