- 3. has a mane and roars a lot
- 5. a beautiful insekt with two wings (butterfliege)
- 7. has feaders and repeats what humans say
- 8. is pink and likes to be dirty
- 9. bear eats bamboo
- 12. sleeps during winter and is covered with sharp spikes
- 13. is white with black stripes
- 14. has a long neck to reach the food
- 15. climbs trees and eats bananas
- 17. long body like a worm
- 18. is white and produces wool
- 19. Flying mammal
- 1. lives in the woods and has orange fur
- 2. sleeps during winter and has brown fur
- 3. small insect that is red with black dots on it
- 4. Likes to chase mice
- 5. has feaders, can fly and sings in the morning (they sit in the tree)
- 6. Large marsupial
- 10. Man's best friend
- 11. is orange and has black stripes
- 12. people can ride on ot
- 16. Has a trunk
- 17. lives in the ocean and has a big mouth with lots of teeth
- 19. flies around at night and eats insects