
  1. 1. A furry and independent companion that enjoys cuddling, grooming itself, and hunting small prey. It can be playful and makes purring sound when it is content.
  2. 5. Colorful and fascinating creature that lives in aquariums. It requires a clean tank, proper feeding, and temperature control to thrive. It comes in various shapes and sizes.
  3. 6. A scaly reptile that can be kept in a terrarium. It sheds its skin and eats small prey. It is quiet and a low-maintenance pet that needs a proper enclosure.
  4. 7. A small rodent that is often kept in a cage with a wheel for exercise. It is nocturnal and likes to burrow, eats seeds, and runs on its wheel.
  5. 8. A small rodent that can be kept in a cage and trained to do tricks. It is a intelligent, social animal that enjoys interacting with its owners and exploring its environment.
  6. 9. A small, sociable rodent with soft fur. It enjoys being held, eating fresh vegetables, and exploring its surroundings. It makes cute squeaking sounds.
  7. 10. A loyal and friendly animal that can be trained to do tricks, play fetch, and provide companionship. It comes in various breeds, sizes, and personalities.
  1. 2. A reptile with a hard shell that requires an aquarium with both land and water areas. It moves slowly and likes to bask under a heat lamp to stay warm.
  2. 3. A feathered friend that can be kept in a cage or aviary. It can chirp, sing, and even mimic human speech. It needs regular social interaction and mental stimulation.
  3. 4. A small, gentle creature with long ears and soft fur. It is often kept in a cage and can be trained to use a litter box. It enjoys hopping around and eating leafy greens.
  4. 5. A playful and curious mammal with a long body and a fluffy tail. It enjoys running, digging, and playing with toys. It needs plenty of space and socialization.
  5. 7. A small, spiky mammal that rolls up into a ball for protection. It requires a spacious enclosure, a balanced diet, and gentle handling.
  6. 9. A lizard with soft, velvety skin and sticky toes that enable them to climb walls. It is low-maintenance and can be kept in a terrarium with proper heat and humidity.