
  1. 1. produces drinking milk
  2. 5. fastest land animal
  3. 6. sings in the morning
  4. 8. swings in trees
  5. 9. love to be muddy
  6. 12. tallest land animal
  7. 14. hides in your house
  8. 16. cali state animal
  9. 17. slowest land animal
  10. 18. slithers around
  1. 1. lays eggs
  2. 2. biggest sea animal
  3. 3. bigger versions of a monkey
  4. 4. king of the jungle
  5. 7. man's best friend
  6. 9. talks like a human
  7. 10. swims around
  8. 11. biggest nonflying bird
  9. 13. gallops around
  10. 15. sleeps all day