
  1. 2. comes to sweet food and is only there in the summer
  2. 3. colorful and flies everywhere
  3. 5. it loves human blood and comes to haunt you at night
  4. 7. it slides on its belly and lives very cold
  5. 10. is wearing pajamas exactly
  6. 11. a slow animal
  7. 12. king of the savannah
  8. 14. it curls on the ground and is dangerous
  9. 15. full moon
  10. 17. big ears
  1. 1. is also called one of the scariest animals in the sea
  2. 2. it weighs a lot and swims
  3. 3. it is colorful and it flies to flowers
  4. 4. it is strong and it is also black
  5. 6. is pink and stands on one leg
  6. 8. long neck and eats leaves
  7. 9. brown and fluffy but still dangerous
  8. 11. carnivorous but colorful has stripes
  9. 13. big horns
  10. 16. climbs trees and likes to eat bananas