- 1. crawls and it is long
- 2. blue, lives in the sea, pretty and long
- 3. looks like a dog, lives in the night
- 7. fast and orange
- 9. big, heavy, gray and have big ears
- 12. small, pretty, colorful
- 13. colorful and has feathers
- 14. stands on one leg
- 15. dangerous, many teeth and lives in the sea
- 17. fast, has black spots and eats meat
- 18. lots of hair, they live on open woodlands and have sharp teeth
- 1. ugly, creepy, scary, has many legs
- 4. king of the jungle, stripes, eats meat and is dangerous
- 5. small, lives in water or ocean, different types
- 6. lives in the tree, has a tail and have lots of hair
- 8. black and white, looks like a horse
- 10. slow and lives in the water
- 11. nice, long, big, yellow and brown
- 13. white and lives on ice
- 16. lives in the sea or zoo, it is brown or gray and long