
  1. 1. white bear
  2. 3. small swimming mammal
  3. 6. has black strip and orange fur(lions, ____, and bears)
  4. 8. animals often hunted and they have antlers
  5. 11. fox with thick white fur
  6. 12. howls at the moon
  7. 14. produces milk
  8. 17. king of the jungle
  9. 20. america's bird
  10. 21. other big monkey
  11. 23. black bird
  12. 25. tiny fox with big ears
  13. 26. big animal with trunk
  14. 27. swims
  1. 2. large animal with horn
  2. 3. wolf like house pet
  3. 4. neighs
  4. 5. big beautiful feathered bird
  5. 7. it uses echo location
  6. 9. trash eater
  7. 10. small animal that eats bananas
  8. 13. big bird at night
  9. 15. big swimming mammal
  10. 16. thanksgiving dinner
  11. 18. purrs or hisses at you
  12. 19. sleepy bear
  13. 22. snake with rattle
  14. 24. big monkey