
  1. 2. A tall animal. It lives in Africa. It has got a long neck (=Hals)
  2. 4. bear This animal lives on the North Pole.
  3. 6. Hai
  4. 7. Schildkröte
  5. 8. This animal can fly. It is brown and yellow. It can sting (=stechen).
  6. 10. Gans
  7. 12. Hase
  8. 14. Ente
  9. 18. Libelle
  10. 19. This animal is big and can swim.
  11. 20. This animal is big and grey.
  12. 21. Seehund
  13. 22. This animal jumps from tree to tree.
  1. 1. This animal hunts in the jungle.
  2. 3. The animal runs quickly and jumps high. You can ride it.
  3. 5. pig Meerschweinchen
  4. 8. Schmetterling
  5. 9. Esel
  6. 11. It’s a small animal. It has got a house.
  7. 13. Wellensittich
  8. 14. The German’s favourite pet
  9. 15. This animal can jump. It lives in Australia.
  10. 16. This animal lives on a farm and eats grass. We get milk from it.
  11. 17. Ziege
  12. 21. A white farm animal