
  1. 4. Flying animal that can turn its head 360 degrees
  2. 5. It can be called "flying rat"
  3. 7. Animal that is characterized as a worker
  4. 10. King of the jungle
  5. 11. falcon The fastest marine animal
  6. 12. Animal without legs that shed skin
  7. 13. Insect that can live without a head
  8. 16. Insect hated in summer
  9. 17. Mustang logo
  10. 18. widow The most poisonous spider
  11. 19. Jerry is a...
  1. 1. Amphibian with the hardest skin
  2. 2. Phineas and ferb mascot
  3. 3. Flying Animal characteristic on halloween
  4. 6. The grifo is half lion and ...
  5. 8. Animal that appears in the movie "Air Buddy"
  6. 9. Marine animal extinct with the strongest bite
  7. 14. The fastest terrestrial animal
  8. 15. Marine mammal sleeping with one eye open
  9. 18. whale The largest marine mammal