  1. 1. generates something sweet called honey
  2. 2. the best friend of man
  3. 6. BEAR lives in the arctic
  4. 7. his body is full of black and white stripes
  5. 11. dressed in a tuxedo
  6. 12. flying bale
  7. 14. has a trunk
  8. 15. is slow and has a carapace
  9. 16. has eight legs
  10. 17. has a mane and is carnivorous
  1. 1. kangaroo marsupial
  2. 3. PEREZOSO is always sleepy
  3. 4. likes to chase mice
  4. 5. HORMIGUERO eats ants
  5. 6. BEAR eats bamboo
  6. 8. bananas
  7. 9. is tall and has spots
  8. 10. repeats what you say
  9. 13. is elusive and lives in houses
  10. 16. when passing leaves trace of mucus or drool