
  1. 4. howl at night
  2. 6. this pet roofs
  3. 8. this animal squeaks
  4. 11. this pet meows
  5. 14. stand around and eat grass all day
  6. 15. they eat fish
  7. 16. they slither and slide around
  8. 17. they sting you with their tail
  9. 18. swim away from sharks
  10. 19. you had one in your house
  1. 1. hoot at night
  2. 2. they like mud
  3. 3. they have shells and lay their eggs in the sand
  4. 5. eight arms and squirts out ink
  5. 6. they say quack
  6. 7. galop and jump around
  7. 9. they can be all different colours and fly around everywhere
  8. 10. black with a red beak or white with a orange beak
  9. 11. crawl in the sand and try to nip you
  10. 12. white with orangey yellowy beak
  11. 13. they punch people
  12. 15. lives at the bottom of the sea