
  1. 4. squeals and oinks; pink colour; lives in a farm
  2. 7. largest animals that live on land; two tusks, gray colour
  3. 10. they sting, don't die after stinging
  4. 11. don't have brain, heart, bones or eyes, live in ocean, can sting you
  5. 13. Americans eat them for Thanksgiving; can't fly
  6. 16. jumps, baby is called joey, has a pouch to carry a baby
  7. 18. grenn colour, green skin, it's a reptile
  8. 19. it meows, good at climbing, has its own head
  9. 20. types of this animal are red, gray and arctic
  1. 1. have hooves; walk, trot and gallop; babies are foals
  2. 2. likes cheese, small grey animal
  3. 3. group of them is called pride; female is called lioness;mane around neck
  4. 5. kind of bird, doesn't build nests; very good smell, eat carcase
  5. 6. lives in a forrest, can jump quite far, small animal
  6. 8. lives in the fields, it's a bird, people hunt them
  7. 9. extremely tough skin, armoured back; quick, lives in water
  8. 12. five arms, lives in the ocean or sea
  9. 14. a wild ox, used as work animal in especially in Asia
  10. 15. barks, pak animal, man's best friend
  11. 17. very long neck to reach the leaves; brown spots, can't make sounds