
  1. 2. make good sushi
  2. 4. big and scary, in the forest
  3. 6. black and white stripes
  4. 8. very long neck
  5. 12. fastest animal
  6. 13. has eight legs
  7. 14. likes ice
  8. 16. very slow
  9. 17. men's best friend
  10. 18. had a nap in a cap
  1. 1. dangerous; ocean
  2. 3. can jump
  3. 4. can sing
  4. 5. ride it or race it
  5. 7. its nose is a trunk
  6. 9. can hop
  7. 10. king of the jungle
  8. 11. can climb trees
  9. 14. likes mud
  10. 15. has a beard