- 4. the wise men come in them
- 6. it is the higer predator of the sea
- 7. it loves mud
- 8. this animal does not exist and in its head it has a horn
- 9. this animal has 8 legs
- 11. it is the most playful animal in the sea
- 13. has a trunk
- 14. it body is white and black linea
- 16. is the only mammalian bird
- 17. people ride on top of you
- 1. they make coats with their hair
- 2. many people have it as a pet
- 3. live in the north pole
- 4. it lives in the water and his body is made of scales
- 5. it favourite food is bananas
- 7. repeat the humans
- 10. is the king of the jungle
- 12. it is the fastest animal on Earth
- 15. it likes mice
- 16. the favourite food of this animal is honey