
  1. 1. it is a white elegant bird with orange beak
  2. 2. Flying mammal, it drinks blood
  3. 6. a small insect with beautiful wings
  4. 8. a baby cat
  5. 12. it is a bird in the street
  6. 13. Large marsupial, it has a baby in a pouch, it has strong legs
  7. 14. Man's best friend, it barks
  8. 15. it has a very long neck
  9. 16. king of animals
  10. 19. it has big fluffy tail and it likes nuts
  11. 20. it can run extremely fast
  12. 21. this bird cannot fly, it lives in Antarctica
  13. 24. they are very small, have big teeth and eat cheese
  14. 25. a very big bird with long neck, it cannot fly
  15. 30. it has a horn on its nose, it´s big and grey
  16. 32. large mammal that lives in the ocean
  17. 33. a grey dog that lives in a forest
  18. 34. a farm animal that gives us wool
  19. 35. Likes to chase mice, it meows
  20. 36. it lives in a jungle and likes bananas
  1. 1. a dangerous animal that lives in the ocean
  2. 3. it is a green dangerous reptile, it lives near water
  3. 4. It has a trunk
  4. 5. it chops wood
  5. 7. it is a black-and-white bear in China
  6. 9. a sea creature that looks like a star
  7. 10. it is white with stripes and lives in Africa
  8. 11. small insect with red wings and black dots
  9. 17. it has eight tentacles
  10. 18. it lays eggs
  11. 22. female fox
  12. 23. it makes honey and it has got a sting
  13. 26. a very large orange cat with black stripes
  14. 27. it is a big animal, it lives on a farm and we can ride it
  15. 28. it gives us milk
  16. 29. a predator bird, symbol of America
  17. 31. a nocturnal bird
  18. 34. a reptile with no legs, it hisses, it can be venomous