
  1. 5. Man's best friend
  2. 6. sharks are not whales
  3. 7. go moo
  4. 8. lives in schools
  5. 10. have goatys
  6. 11. like to drink blood
  7. 13. bite
  8. 15. Has a trunk
  9. 17. you can find in trees
  10. 18. like to jump
  11. 19. Likes to chase mice
  1. 1. can get very big
  2. 2. are the mane predatorys
  3. 3. hibernate
  4. 4. are going to really
  5. 9. live on the bottom of the sea
  6. 12. goes really good
  7. 14. Large marsupial
  8. 16. pray for god
  9. 17. Flying mammal