
  1. 3. orange and black strips
  2. 4. light pink animal, pink hooves
  3. 6. human animal companion
  4. 8. farm bird, makes eggs
  5. 12. some ____ have a venomous bite
  6. 13. I went fishing and caught my first ...
  7. 15. have 8 legs
  8. 16. we eat _____ on thanksgiving
  9. 18. curios George is a _____
  1. 1. animal in the arctic, black and white, live in packs
  2. 2. long necked animal
  3. 5. a ____ also goes by the name Delphinidae, marine mammal
  4. 6. yellow birds that swim in ponds
  5. 7. fastest animal in the world
  6. 9. strong animal, ride them
  7. 10. gets milked, black and white spots
  8. 11. large grey mammal, safari
  9. 12. used for their wool
  10. 14. animals that have wings and fly
  11. 17. brown animal, hibernates during the winter