
  1. 5. it Swims in the water and this is his home all the time
  2. 8. It is always in house, reptile
  3. 9. Sound like "miaw"
  4. 11. Has a long tail, eats fruits and it is an little animal
  5. 12. it's a bird, it swims and eats little fish
  6. 14. It is the best friend of man
  7. 15. It is so little, and work a lot.
  8. 16. It eats mouses and have the big eyes
  9. 18. Sings all the time like profesional
  10. 19. Old means of transportation
  11. 22. Is black and white
  12. 23. friend of winnie pooh
  1. 1. It have the biggest ears
  2. 2. Jumps and eats carrots
  3. 3. It is big and furry, eats fishes, honey and fruits too
  4. 4. lays eggs
  5. 6. Delivery babes, It is a bird
  6. 7. It is a great bird, your body is pink.
  7. 10. Have eight legs and eats insects
  8. 13. Don't have legs and the skin have scales
  9. 17. It is the king of the jungle
  10. 20. never feels cold, wool
  11. 21. It Jumps and eats insects